地中海論集 Ⅳ

Studies in Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Mediterranean Islands

The Mediterranean World Ⅳ


Vie religieuse dans une ile egeenne ―Naxos―

■Kin-ichi WATANABE(渡辺金一)

The Urbanization of Athens and its Subculture ―with Special Reference to Refugees and Rembetika―

■Takeshi HAYASHI(林武)

A Village Community in Naxos ―Communal Land and Shepherds of Filoti

■Eizo MATSUKI(松木栄三)

Lullabies of the Cyclades Islands

■Yoshikazu NAKAMURA(中村喜和)

Alcune Considerazioni sull’Insularita di Gozo-Isole Maltesi

■Keiichi TAKEUCHI(竹内啓一)

Un Curioso “Dialogo” sull’Ordine dei Cavalieri di Malta del Cinquecento

■Koichiro SHIMIZU(清水廣一郎)

About an Attempt by the Netherlanders to Occupy Ibiza in 1629

■Fukuya KURIHARA(栗原福也)

Recent Social Changes in the Spanish Mediterranean Islands: A Case Study in the Ibiza

■Hisako KURIHARA(栗原尚子)

Turkish Immigrant Coal Miners in the Ruhr District, West Germany

■Iwao KAMOZAWA(鴨沢巌)