地中海論集 ⅩⅠ
Editorial Note
Novgorodian Travelers to the Mediterranean World in the Middle Ages
■Eizo MATSUKI(松木栄三)
Some Aspects of the Russian Pilgrimage to the Mediterranean Sacred Places
■Yoshikazu NAKAMURA(中村喜和)
Catatoria Unui Roman prin Tarile Mediteranene in Mijlocul secolului al 19-lea
■Atsushi NAONO(直野敦)
Liquidity and Publicity in Urban Society in the Middle of Nineteenth Century in Egypt ―As Refrected in Some Unpublished Documents in Relation to the Rent Tax on Real Properties―
■Hiroshi KATO(加藤博)
The Lebanese Civil War ―Urbanization, Classes and Sects―
■Takeshi HAYASHI(林武)
Al Khalidiya : Development and Social Formation of a Squatter Settlement of the Urban Periphery of Aleppo
■Masanori NAITO(内藤正典)
Le attivita marinare a Pisa nella prima meta del Trecento
■Koichiro SHIMIZU(清水廣一郎)
Urban Politics and the Urbanisation Process : A Case Study in Palermo
■Keiichi TAKEUCHI (竹内啓一)
The Preliminary Survey on the Suburbanization of the City of Barcelona : A Case Study on a Peripheral Urban Area, Gava
■Hisako KURIHARA(栗原尚子)
L’exportation maritime d’Anvers vers la Peninsule Iberique au milieu du seizieme siecle
■Katsumi NAKAZAWA(中沢勝三)
Zur kurinarischen Qualitat byzantinischer Speisefischev
Ein Monument im Despotat von Morea : die Kirche der Hagia Paraskeue bei der Siedlung Hagios Andreas
Recent Trends in the Regional Crew Enlistment of the Hellenic Merchant Fleet ―The Case of the Greek Islands―
Il noleggio delle navi a Venezia ―Una documentazione degli anni 1539-1540―
■Hiromi SAITO(斉藤寛海)
Apuntes sobre el gobierno municipal en el antiguo regimen : calidades de los regidores de Madrid
■Hirotaka TATEISHI(立石博高)
How to Evaluate the Socio-economic Development Tedencies of the Republic of Turkey Today : A book review of “Turkey in Transition : New Perspectives”, edited by Irvin C. Schick and Ertugrul Ahmet
■TonakIwao KAMOZAWA(鴨沢巌)