地中海論集 ⅩⅢ
The Mediterranean World(地中海論集)
The Mediterranean World ⅩⅢ
Editorial Note
Peut-on parler encore de feodalisme byzantin? ―essai d’un autre modele “redistribution”
■Kin-ichi WATANABE(渡辺金一)
Donations to the Church and the State in the Byzantine Empire : Legislation in the 5th and 6 th centuries
■Yasuhiro OTSUKI(大月康弘)
The Fatimid and Kalbite Governors in Sicily: 909-1044 [Islamic Sicily II]
■Hiroshi TAKAYAMA(高山博)
Il potere dello stato nel provvigionamento dei viveri : Venezia nella prima meta del Cinquecento
■Hiromi SAITO(斉藤寛海)
Antwerp, Emporium of the European Economy in the Sixteenth Century
■Katsumi NAKAZAWA(中沢勝三)
Jovellanos y la crisis del antiguo regimen en Espana ―En torno a su idea sobre la sociedad politica
■Hirotaka TATEISHI(立石博高)
An Introductory Note on Contemporary Arabic Thought
■Eiji NAGASAWA(長沢栄治)
A Field Note on Damascus Steels: In search of modernity in traditional technologies
■Takeshi HAYASHI(林武)
The Data on Periodical (Weekly) Market at the End of the 19th Century in Egypt : The cases of Qaliubiya, Sharqiya and Daqahliya Provinces
■Hiroshi KATO(加藤博)