The Mediterranean World(地中海論集)
■Sacro e profano nella letteratura popolare: Alghero, un incrocio di culture mediterranee ―- XVI pp.161-182
■Patrimoni oral i frontera lingüística: Voluntaris sards a la guerra civil espanyola ―- XVII pp.55-64
■El llegat bibliogràfic d’Eduard Toda a l’Alguer (1888) ―- XVIII pp. 105-130
■Uno storico russo testimone della Rivoluzione Francese (1789-1790): Nikolaj Michajlovic Karamzin ―- XIV pp.151-155
BOVER, August
BOYER, Denise
■The Economy of a Small Island State, Malta, 1960-1993 ―- XIV pp.105-120
■The Cultural Impact of Economic Conditions in Gozo ―- XVI pp.237-250
■Una historia mediterránea de amor y odio Ceuta & Melilla ―- XVI pp.145-160
■Valiano in Valdichiana nel Medioevo ―- VII pp.73-87
DAL BORGO, Michela
■Le Corporazioni di Mestiere Veneziane e le Attività Economico-Commerciali delle Nation Foreste: Ebrei, Turchi, Tedeschi, Greci e Armeni ―- XVI pp.183-195
■Innovazioni napoleoniche nei territori dell’ex Repubblica di Venezia: Sistema metrico decimale e catasto ―- XVII pp.105-153
■Popoli, etnie, religioni nelle relazioni degli ambasciatori veneziani ―- XVIII pp.23-36
■Commercio, industrie e protezionismo nella Repubblica di Venezia del XVIII secolo il caso delle fabbriche privilegiate ―- XIX pp.131-139
FABRIS, Antonio
■Food Culture between East and West ―- XIX pp.141-147
FUJISAWA, Fusatoshi
■I testi scolastici fanno il popolo ―- XIX pp.217-244
HAYASHI, Takeshi(林武)
■On Taha Husayn’s Concept of the “Mediterranean Cultural Nations” ―- I pp.28-45
■Khalid Muhammad Khalid, a Modern Islamic Fundamentalist ―- II pp.77-83
■The Urbanization of the Greater Athens and Sub-culture ―Refugees and Rembetika ―- III pp.1-21
■The Urbanization of Athens and its Subculture ― with Special Reference to Refugees and Rembetika ―- IV pp.13-28
■The Filoti Union in Athens: Note on an Urban Community in Greece ―- V pp.35-42
■Beirut: Rapid Urbanization and its Impacts ― “Suburbanism” and Civil War. Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.149-162
■The Lebanese Civil War ― Urbanization, Classes and Sects ―- XI pp.61-74
■Some Reflections on the “Area Studies” ― The Middle East in the Mediterranean World. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.1-9
■A Field Note on Damascus Steels ― In search of modernity in traditional technologies ―- XIII pp.73-78
■Minority Problem in Lebanon ―- XIV pp.41-46
HORII, Yutaka(堀井優)
HORIUCHI, Masaki(堀内正樹)
■Minstrel Tradition among the Berber-speaking People in Morocco: Examples of poem-song of “Rais” in Sous region ―- XVI pp.35-53
■Metrical Aspect of Arab-Andalus Music in Morocco: The relation between music and poem ―- XVII pp.155-172
IIDA, Miki(飯田巳貴)
■Trades in Constantinople in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century ―- XV pp.41-49
IIDA-SOHMA, Miki(飯田巳貴)
■I tessuti serici veneziani e il mercato ottomano nell’epoca premoderna (secoli XVI-XVII°) ―- XVIII pp.63-76
■The Textile Market in Istanbul and Bursa in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century: An Introduction ―- XIX pp.161-197
ISHIDA (MASHIMO), Tomoko(真下とも子)
■Review: V. Kremmidas, The Commerce of Peloponnesos in the 18th Century. Athens, 1972 ―- VII pp.157-164
■Demographic and Economic Change in Crete in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Resume in Japanese ―- IX pp.17-38
ISOBE, Keizo(礒部啓三)
■Review: M. Kenny and D.I. Dertzer (ed.), Urban Life in Mediterranean Europe ― Anthropological Perspective. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.175-178
IWASAKI, Erina(岩崎えり奈)
■Ein Monument im Despotat von Morea: die Kirche der Hagio Paraskeue bei der Siedlung Hagios Andreas ―- XI pp.177-205
KAMENAGA, Yoko(亀長洋子)
■Changing to a new Surname: an essay regarding the ‘albergo’ in Medieval Genoa ―- XVI pp.221-235
■The Family Consciousness in Medieval Genoa: The Case of the Lomellini ―- XIX pp.149-159
KAMOZAWA, Iwao(鴨沢巌)
■Turkish Immigrant Coal Miners in the Ruhr District, West Germany ―- IV pp.109-143
■Turkey Observed: Degradation and Progress ―- V pp.19-25
■Review: M.N. Serebriakoba, Sem ‘ia i semeinair obriadnost’ v Turetskoi derevne (noveischee vremia), izd. Nauka, glavnaia redaktsiia vostochnoi literatury, M., 1979 ―- VI pp.80-88
■Ethnic Minority in Regionalization ― Case Study of Turks of Western Thrace ―- VII pp.125-137
■Ethnic Minority in Regionalization ― The Case of Turks in Western Thrace ―- VII pp.40-60
■Review: J.M. Landau: Pan-Turkism in Turkey ― A Study of Irredentism. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.161-174
■Review: Jacob M. Landau (ed.), Atatürk and the Modernization of Turkey, Westview Press, Inc./ E.J. Brill, Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.177-191
■How to Evaluate the Socio-economic Development Tendencies of the Republic of Turkey Today ―- XI pp.275-292
KATO, Hiroshi(加藤博)
■Egyptian Monetary Policy in the Middle Ages ―- II pp.106-115
■The Egyptian Land and Tax System in the First Half of the 19th Century ―- V pp.67-78
■Studies on the History of Egyptian Landholding in the Nineteenth Century ―- VI pp.31-47
■A Riot in the Village of “Kafr Shubrahur” ―- VII pp.165-181
■Irrigation Administration in Egypt in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century ―- VIII pp.61-78
■Two Decrees of 1863 related to the Process of the Dispossession of Land Belonging of Egyptian Peasants in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.187-208
■Two Decrees of 1863 related to the Process of the Dispossession of Land Belonging of Egyptian Peasants in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.193-222
■Liquidity and publicity in Urban Society in the Middle of Nineteenth Century in Egypt ―- XI pp.43-59
■The Formation of a National Army and the Rebellion of Nomads in Modern Egypt. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.11-20
■The Data on Periodical (Weekly) Market at the End of the 19th Century in Egypt― The cases of Qaliubiya, Sharqiya and Daqahliya Provinces ―- XIII pp.79-114
■The Egyptian Rural Society in the Mid-Nineteenth Century as Reflected in the Document on Petition for the Exemption from Military Service ―- XIV pp.59-70
■Alexandrian Melancholy ― The Light and Shadow of the Modern Mediterranean World ―- XV pp.99-123
■Blood Linkage and Social Order in Egyptian Village Society ―- XVI pp.l-14
KATO, Hiroshi(加藤博) and IWASAKI, Erina(岩崎えり奈)
■Cairo and Alexandria at the Beginning of the 20th Century: An Analysis Based on Population and Education Censuses for 1907/8 ―- XVIII pp.323-368
■Rashda. A Village in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt ―- XIX pp.1-55
KATO, Hiroshi(加藤博), IWASAKI, Erina(岩崎えり奈) and EL-SHAZLY, Ali
KATSUTA, Yumi(勝田由美)
■Osvaldo Gnocchi-Viani (1837-1917), “ispiratore” del movimento operaio milanese ―- XV pp.19-24
■Società Umanitaria e la legge Crispi sulle Opere Pie ―- XIX pp.199-205
KOBAYASHI, Shigeru(小林茂)
■Sedentarization among Pastoral Nomads of the Eastern Mediterranean Area ―- V pp.27-34
■L’espace migratoire corse à travers l’attraction d’une ville insulaire: l’exemple de Bastia. Resume in Japanese ―- X pp.57-88
■Recent Trends in the Regional Crew Enlistment of the Hellenic Merchant Fleet ― The Case of the Greek Islands ―- XI pp.207-228
■Des musulmans dans une île grecque: Les “Turcocrétois” ―- XIV pp.1-16
KURIHARA, Fukuya(栗原福也)
■The Mediterranean Pepper Trade and the Antwerp Market in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century ―- I pp.16-27
■The Trade between the Southern Netherlands and Spain about 1600 ―- II pp.20-37
■Sobre proposito de los Holandeses de apordarse de Ibiza en 1629 ―- III pp.110-115
■About an Attempt by the Netherlanders to Occupy Ibiza in 1629 ―- IV pp.83-90
■Ciudad Real ― a City in La Mancha ―- V pp.117-121
■Sevilla and Chinese Raw Silk ―- VII pp.19-32
■Review: M. Moret, Aspects de la société marchande Séville au début du XVIIe siècle. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.179-186
■Review: Jonathan I. Israel, The Dutch Republic and Hispanic World 1606-1661, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982. Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.169-176
KURIHARA, Fukuya(栗原福也) & SEGURA I SARADO, Josep
■La Sal y el Rescate de Cautivos ―- III pp.124-128
KURIHARA, Hisako(栗原尚子)
■The Emigration and the Agrarian Structure ― A Study of Population Geography of Southern Spain ―- I pp.126-134
■Regional Income Inequalities and Regional Planning in Spain ―- II pp.98-105
■The Social Changes since 1950′s in Rural Area of the Spanish Mediterranean Islands ― The Case Study of the Parish of San Mateo in the Ibiza Island ―- III pp.65-88
■Recent Social Changes in the Spanish Mediterranean Islands; A Case Study in the Ibiza ―- IV pp.91-108
■Population Study of Ibiza in the 19th Century ―- V pp.101-106
■Historical Demography of San Mateo in Ibiza, Balearic Islands ―- VI pp.71-79
■Rural Exodus in an Andalusian Village ― Preliminary Case Study of Cazalla de la Sierra in Seville Province ―- VII pp.1-18
■The Emigration Process and the Problems of Andalusia, Spain: A Case Study of Cazalla de la Siena in Seville Province ―- VIII pp.117-138
■On the Regionalism in Spain ― Case Study of Andalucismo in the Beginning of the 20th Century. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.129-145
■The Preliminary Survey on the Suburbanization of the City of Barcelona: A Case Study on a Peripheral Urban Area, Gava ―- XI pp.125-143
KUROKI, Hidemitsu(黒木英充)
■The 1819-20 Aleppo Disturbance as Reported by a French Dragoman ―- XVI pp.55-64
MATSUKI, Eizo(松木栄三)
■Ancient Russian State and Slave Trade ―- I pp.102-118
■The Eastern Slavs of the Ninth Century by Arabic Sources ―- II pp.91-97
■A Village Community in Naxos ― Communal Land for Pasture ―- III pp.22-38
■A Village Community in Naxos ― Communal Land and Shepherds of Filoti ―- IV pp.29-47
■Italians in 15th Century Muscovy ―- V pp.43-54
■Kephalos: A Village of Farmers, Shepherds and Fishermen in Kos Island ―- VII pp.89-115
■The Black Sea and Russia in the 14th and 15th Centuries. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.55-72
■A Greek Icon-Painter in Novgorod. Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.91-108
■Novgorodian Travelers to the Mediterranean World in the Middle Ages ―- XI pp.1-24
■The White Cowl of the Novgorodian Archbishop. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.29-39
■A Diplomatic Custom in Muscovy ―- XIV pp.17-29
■The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves: An Aspect of Muscovite-Crimean Relations in the 16th and 17th Centuries ―- XVIII pp.171-182
■Rapporto fra la Dinamica Demografica di Montepulciano e la Creazione delle Infrastrutture dopo 1′Unita d’ltalia ―- VII pp.53-57
NAGASAWA, Eiji(長沢栄治)
■An Introductory Note on Contemporary Arabic Thought ―- XIII pp.65-71
■‘An Autobiography as Case Study’ of an Egyptian Sociologist: Sayyid ‘Uways, The History which I Carry on My Back ―- XIV pp.71-76
■The 1919 Revolution as Seen by Egyptian Child ―- XV pp.87-98
■Inventing the Geography of Egyptian Nationalism (Watanîya): A Review of Gamal Hamdan’s The Personality of Egypt and his Personal History ―- XVIII pp.271-318
■Historical Contexts of Economic Reform in Egypt ―- XIX pp.57-77
NAITO, Masanori(内藤正典)
■A Report on the Present Situation of Irrigation and Agriculture in the Oasis of Damascus 1981-1983. Part 1, Northern District of the Oasis. Resume in Japanese ―- X pp.11-58
■Al-Khâalîdîya: Development and Social Formation of a Squatter Settlement on the Urban Periphery of Aleppo ―- XI pp.75-98
■Review: P. Beaumont, G.H. Blake, J.M. Wagstaff, The Middle East. A Geographical Study. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.81-86
NAKAJIMA, Yumi(中島由美)
NAKAMURA, Yoshikazu(中村喜和)
■The Mediterranean World in the Russian Folk Epic ―- I pp.119-125
■On the Puzzle of a Greek Hood in the Russian Folk Epic ―- II pp.38-49
■Lullabies of the Cyclades Islands ―- III pp.101-109
■Lullabies of the Cyclades Islands ―- IV pp.49-56
■A Sketch of Early Odessa ―- V pp.55-65
■Zoe Paleologue’s Marriage: Some Remarks of the so-called Byzantine Heritage in Russia ―- VI pp.1-16
■Kalanda ― Christmas Carols in Macedonia: Report of a Field Survey ―- VII pp.147-155
■The Mitjaj Case: An Episode in Russo-Byzantine Relations ―- VIII pp.21-39
■The Nekrasovite Cossacks in Exile. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.73-89
■German and Italian Town in the Fifteenth Century Through the Eyes of a Russian Traveller ― From the Notes of “A Journey to the Florentine Council.” Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.121-135
■Some Aspects of the Russian Pilgrimage to the Mediterranean Sacred Places ―- XI pp.25-35
■Ioann Luk’ianov’s Travel to the Holy Land ― A Case Study of the Russian Pilgrim Literature. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.41-52
■A Russian Goes to the Holy Land: Considerations on Ioann Luk’yanov’s Accounts of his Pilgrimage in the Early Eighteenth Century ―- XVIII pp.161-170
■Historical Contexts of Economic Reform in Egypt ―- XIX pp.57-77
NAKAZAWA, Katsumi(中沢勝三)
■The Portuguese Merchant Colony in Antwerp and its Commercial Activities ―- V pp.123-131
■The Wandering of the Naci in the Sixteenth Century ―- VI pp.17-30
■Antwerp’s Trade with the Iberian Peninsula in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. Resume in Eng. ―- IX pp.147-160
■The Copper Trade of Antwerp and European Economy in the Sixteenth Century. Resume in Eng. ―- X pp.137-147
■L’exportation maritime d’Anvers vers la Péninsule Ibérique au milieu du seizième siècle ―- XI pp.145-153
■On the Mediterranean Trade of the Netherlands ― In Connection with J.I. Israel, The Phases of the Dutch Straatvaart (1590-1713). Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.73-80
■Antwerp, Emporium of the European Economy in the Sixteenth Century ―- XIII pp.43-49
■The European World Economy and the Entrepôt of Antwerp ―- XIV pp.77-83
NAONO, Atsushi(直野敦)
■Books of Travel and Realism in the Renaissance ―- I pp.46-61
■Dimitrie Cantemir, a Rumanian Man of Letters and Politician (1673-1723) ―- II pp.70-76
■Dialects of the Romanian Language in the Balkans ―- VI pp.56-63
■Despre Aromâni si Limba Aromâna ―- VII pp.139-146
■Catatoria Unui Român prin Tarile Mediteranene în Mijlocul Secolului al 19-lea ―- XI pp.37-42
OHTOSHI, Tetsuya(大稔哲也)
■A Note on the Disregarded Ottoman Cairene Ziyâra Book ―- XV pp.75-85
■Conception of “Egypt” in the Pre-Modern Period: Preliminary Essay ―- XVI pp.15-33
OTSUKI, Yasuhiro(大月康弘)
■Review: E. Patlagean, Pauvreté économique et pauvreté sociale à Byzance. 4e-7e siècles. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.87-94
■Donations to the Church and the State in the Byzantine Empire ― Legislation in the 5th and 6th centuries ―- XIII pp.9-20
■Alexius Studies’ Two Documents on Reforms of Charistike ―- XIV pp.31-39
■Sacred Dedication in the Byzantine Imperial Finance ― Maria’s bequest and Iveron monastery ―- XVI pp.89-99
■Towards the Origin of “Empire”: A Perspective on the Study of the Byzantine State ―- XVIII pp.183-196
■Monastic Property and the Imperial Taxation System ― As Seen in Iviron Documents ―- XIX pp.263-296
■La famiglia italiana ―- XIV pp.157-164
■Venetian Consuls in Egypt and Syria in the Ottoman Age ―- XVIII pp.7-21
SAITO, Hiromi(斉藤寛海)
■II noleggio delle navi a Venezia ― Una documentazione degli anni 1539-1540 ―- XI pp.229-250
■La politica annonaria di Venezia nel Cinquecento. Resume in Italian ―- XII pp.53-61
■II potere dello stato nel provvigionamento dei viveri ― Venezia nella prima metà del Cinquecento ―- XIII pp.31-41
■Una altra edizione del “La Livornina” ― ASF, Leggi e Bandi, Appendice, n. 36 (n. interno 46, manoscritto), cc. 179-206 (nuova numerazione) ―- XIV pp.137-149
■La geografia del Pegolotti ―- XV pp.25-39
■Florentine Cloth in Damascus ―- XVI pp.197-220
■Venice after the Battle of Prevesa (1538) ― The Smuggling of Greek Wheat and the Confiscation of the Cargos of Captured Foreign Ships ―- XVII pp.79-103
■A Ledger of Rinucci, a Florentine Clothier, 1322-25 ―- XVIII pp.37-62
■The Development of Rialto ―- XIX pp.121-130
SHIMIZU, Koichiro(清水廣一郎)
■A Memoire of a Citizen of the Florentine Quattrocento ―- I pp.85-101
■A Note on the Galley in the Middle Ages ―- II pp.50-69
■On the Descriptions of Malta dating before “Descrizione” di G.F. Abela(1647) ―- III pp.116-123
■Un Curioso “Dialogo” sull’Ordine dei Cavalieri di Malta del Cinquecento ―- IV pp.67-82
■”Veri Cives” and the Ideal of City: Citizenship in 14th Century Florence ―- V pp.79-86
■Citizens and Their Properties in Fifteenth Century Tuscany In the Margin of Herlihy-Klapisch, Les Toscans et leurs familles ―- VI pp.63-70
■Un Castello Medioevale in Valdichiana, Valiano nel Quattrocento ― Una Nota Preliminare ―- VII pp.59-71
■A Tuscan Castello in the Fifteenth Century: Valiano in Valdichiana ―- VIII pp.99-116
■La Dote in Firenze nel Tardo Medioevo. Resume in Italian ―- IX pp.115-127
■Alcuni atti relativi al transporto terrestre togati a Pisa nel Trecento. Resume in Italian ―- X pp.109-119
■Le attività marinare a Pisa nella prima metà del Trecento ―- XI pp.99-111
TADENUMA, Kouichi(蓼沼 宏一)
TAKAYAMA, Hiroshi(高山博)
■The Fatimid and Kalbite Governors in Sicily: 909-1044 [Islamic Sicily II] ―- XIII pp.21-30
TAKENAKA, Katsuyuki(竹中克行)
■Reflexiones sobre la inmigración en la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona como factor diferencial de la fecundidad ―- XVI pp.121-143
■Inmigrantes en la configuratión de grupos profesionales en la Cataluña contemporánea ―- XVII pp.17-40
■Apuntes sobre la fragilidad del sistema hídrico en la isla de Mallorca ―- XIX pp.99-119
TAKENAKA, Katsuyuki(竹中克行) y SAITO, Yuka
TAKEUCHI, Keiichi(竹内啓一)
■The Decline of Transhumance in the Central and Southern Apennines Mountains ―- I pp.62-84
■A Consideration on the Definition of the Mediterranean Region ―- II pp.84-90
■Socio-economic Changes in the Mediterranean Islands (1) ― A Case Study of the Rural Gozo (Maltese Islands) ―- III pp.39-64
■Alcune Considerazioni sull’Insularita di Gozo-Isole Maltesi ―- IV pp.57-66
■Some Remarks on the Rural Landscape of the Apennies ―- V pp.87-99
■”Region” and “Regionalism” ― A Comparative Study of Italian Concept ―- VI pp.48-55
■Caratteri del Mutamento del Paesaggio Rural nella Valdichiana ― Ricerche di Geografia Sociale ―- VII pp.33-51
■Fallacy and Reality: The Image of Giustino Fortunato,Reactionary Meridionalist ―- VIII pp.79-98
■The End of Peasantry on the Mediterranean World with Special Reference to the Italian Case. Resume in Japanese ―- IX pp.39-54
■Review: Herman Harder, Le president de Brosses et le voyage en Italie au dix-huitieme siecle. Slatkine, Geneve, 1981; Elisabeth et Raymond Chevalier, her Italicum. Les voyageurs francais a la decouverte de I ‘Italie ancienne. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, Slatkine,Geneve, 1984. Resume in Italian ―- X pp.163-168
■Urban Politics and the Urbanisation Process: A Case Study in Palermo ―- XI pp.113-123
■ Review: F. Fulvi, Lineamenti di storia della geografia in Italia dalle origini ai nostri giorni. Resume in Italian ―- XII pp.95-100
■Some Problems regarding Ethnic Minorities in Italy―A Preliminary Survey of Foreign Labourers in Southern Italy ―- XIV pp.121-136
■Some Considerations on the Albanian Settlements in Southern Italy ―- XV pp.1-18
■Perception of the Mediterranean World in China and Japan and vice versa in the History of Geography and Cartography ―- XVII pp.1-16
■Geographical Societies and Colonialism: Comparative Considerations of Italy and Japan ―- XVIII pp.1-5
TATEISHI, Hirotaka(立石博高)
■Apuntes sobre el gobierno municipal en el antiguo regimen calidades de los reeidores de Madrid ―- XI pp.251-274
■El Reglamento de Comercio Libre(1778) y la economia espanola. Resume in Spanish ―- XII pp.63-71
■Jovellanos y la crisis del antiguo régimen en España ― En torno a su idea sobre la sociedad política ―- XIII pp.51-63
■Una reflexion sobre el Dos de Mayo: La Relacion de Rafael Perez ―- XIV pp.85-103
■Aproximacion al iberismo y la nacionalizacion espanola en el sielo XIX ―- XV pp.51-66
■Joan Cortada y la “invention” de la catalanidad: Apuntes sobre el catalanismo del siglo XIX en Espafia ―- XVI pp.101-120
■Zacarias de Vizcarra y La vocacion de America: Apuntes sobre la Hispanidad y el nacional-catolicismo ―- XVII pp.41-53
■Apuntes sobre el Diari de Maho de Joan Roca i Vinent ―- XVIII pp.77-104
■La Constitución de Cádiz de 1812 y los conceptos de Nación/Ciudadanoi ―- XIX pp.79-98
■Zur kurinarischen Qualitat byzantinischer Speisefische ―- XI pp.155-176
TODA, Satoshi(戸田聡)
■Les disciples dans l’Evangile selon Thomas: un essai d’analyse litteraire ―- XV pp.67-74
■Les Apophthegmata patrum et Evagre le Pontique ―- XVI pp.77-87
TOURK, Khairy
■Quality Changes in the Factors of Production During the Colonial Period: Effects on Post-Independent Growth Paths in Egypt and S. Korea ―- XVIII pp.245-269
■The Muslim Minorities in the West: A Socio-economic Study ―- XIX pp.297-353
USUKI, Akira(臼杵陽)
■The Jews of Morocco and Israel: A Preliminary Note on Recent Trend of Study ―- XIV pp.47-58
■‘Arab Jews’ in Mediterranean World: A Critical Note on Multiculturalism in Israel ―- XVI pp.65-76
■Jewish National Communist Movement in Iraq: A Case of Anti-Zionist League in 1946 ―- XVIII pp.211-225
WATANABE, Kin-ichi(渡辺金一)
■Ideology and Social Reality in Byzantium ―- I pp.1-15
■For a Better Comprehension of Social and Economic History of the Mediterranean World in the Early Middle Ages ―- II pp.1-19
■Vie religieuse dans une ile egenne―Naxos ―- IV pp.1-12
■An Aegean Island Naxos: Religious “Strata” of the Past ―- IV pp.89-100
■Ecological background of the Formation of Some Mediterranean Villages ―- V pp.1-17
■Image d’autarchies villageoises dans les lies la mer Egee ― Essai de reconstruction ―- VII pp.117-137
■Why Byzantium Now? ― Some Reexaminations of its Traditional Image ―- VIII pp.1-20
■Les Hellenes au moyen age―Un apercu sur leurs relations avec les Arabes. Resume in Japanese ―- IX pp.1-16
■Byzanz: Modell ((Redistributions-)) Gasellschaft. Resume in Japanese ―- X pp.1-9
■Once Again on “Byzantium: ((Redistributions-)) Society”. Resume in Eng. ―- XII pp.21-28
■Peut-on parler encore de feodalisme byzantine? ― essai d’un autre models (redistributions) ―- XIII pp.1-8
■Problemes de la “feodalite” byzantine ― une mise au point surles diverses discussions ―- XV pp.125-155