地中海論集 Ⅶ
Population Mobility in the Mediterranean World
The Mediterranean World Ⅶ
Rural Exodus in an Andalusian village-Preliminary Case Study of Cazalla de la Sierra in Seville Province
■Hisako KURIHARA(栗原尚子)
Sevilla and Chinese Raw Silk
■Fukuya KURIHARA(栗原福也)
Caratteri del Mutamento del Paesaggio Rural nella Valdichiana-Ricerche di Geografia Sociale
■Keiichi TAKEUCHI(竹内啓一)
Rapporto fra la Dinamica Demografica di Montepulciano e la Creazione delle Infrastrutture dopo l’Unita d’Italia
Un Castello Medioevale in Valdichiana, Valiano nel Quattrocento : Una Nota Preliminare
■Koichiro SHIMIZU(清水廣一郎)
Valiano in Valdichiana nel MedioeveIlio CARABRESI
Kephalo : A Village of Farmers, Shepherds and Fishermen in Kos Island
■Eizo MATSUKI(松木栄三)
Image d’autarchies villageoises dans les iles de la mer Egee-Essai de reconstruction
■Kin-ichi WATANABE(渡辺金一)
Ethnic Minority in Regionalization : Case of Turks in Western Thrace
■Iwao KAMOZAWA(鴨沢巌)
Despre aromani si Limba Aromana
■Atsushi NAONO(直野敦)
Karanda : Christmas Carols in Macedonia : Report of a Field Survey
■Yoshikazu NAKAMURA(中村喜和)
Review : Vasilis Kremmidas, To Emporio its Peloponnisou sto 18o Aiona(1715-1792) [The Commerce of Peloponnesos in the 18th Century], athenes, 1972, 418 p.
■Tomoko ISHIDA(石田とも子)
A Riot in the Village of “Kafr Shubrahur” : A Case Study on the Impact of the Establishment of Private Land Ownership on Peasants in 19th Centry Egypt
■Hiroshi KATO(加藤博)